Thursday, March 24, 2011

Google Algorithms – Change in the wind and how it affects your website Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

by Andy Krug

Google has recently modified its website ranking algorithm, due in large part, to criticism from searchers, who are complaining that websites are using existing Google ranking rules within the algorithm to their advantage and thus cutting down on the quality of search results.

Before we delve into specific examples, let me first explain Google’s algorithm and some of the rules Google uses to index and rank quality websites.

When Google began its process of indexing websites in the 1990’s, the rules were very simple. You placed the keywords that you would like Google to index your site on the page code, and Google trusted that what you placed, was a true reflection of your site. Very quickly, this rule was changed, as coders could quickly add keywords that had nothing to do with web content or mission. Website “spamming” became all too real, and poor matching results on Google made the company’s reputation sink very low. Google made changes to the algorithm to compare the keyword list to the repetition of the same terms in the page content. From that moment, the battle between Google and website optimizers began. Google continually tweaks its algorithm not only to keep website optimizers from taking advantage of the rules, but also to improve their search results, which is the heart of their business mission.

Recently Google has made a couple tweaks that help reduce rankings in websites that duplicate other site content into their own, sometimes without permission. “Content farms”, as they are known in the SEO terms, create hundreds of pages of content solely based on achieving high ranking on popular terms. The content often is created with content from others sites, most times without permission, or linking back to the site of origin. An example of a content farm is They often provide answers to generated topics, often with answers from other sites, and the pages often use links to “related” sites that are popular sites, which help gain ranking.

Another tweak that Google is considering employing is a change to help reduce rankings in keyword driven domains, whose sole purpose is to drive higher ranking based on popular keywords. An example of this would be In this case, the domain name is a simple search term that many people use in order to locate inexpensive flights or vacations.

So, how do these tweaks affect your site and what can you do to come out with true search results? Simple. Your content is the key. Keep your content on target with the product and services that you sell. That doesn’t mean it should be boring, or lack keyword terms that people use to search for your products and services. Proper creative writing will drive your mission while assisting with proper key term indexing. If you don’t know where to start, LRS has content writers on staff, trained in this process. Keep your content, your content. Don’t use other sites content as your own without proper footnotes and usage permission. Make sure your site has a proper copyright statement outlining the use of your content to prevent illegal use without permission.

As for the keyword domain names, we can work with you to make sure your domain name is not only directed to search engines for proper indexing, but that your domain name (or multiple domains) is best for your products and services.

LRS Web Solutions can work with you to help drive traffic to your products and services. Isn’t that what you created a website to do?


Related Websites:


Andy Krug is our SEO expert here at LRS Web Solutions. He's so important in fact, that he soon will have an office with a door... everyone's jealous.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Expand Your Horizons

by Cassandra Pence

Each year, the women of LRS Web Solutions have the pleasure of presenting at the Expand Your Horizons Conference at the University of Illinois here in Springfield.  This event is geared towards junior high girls and encourages them to look towards careers in math, science, technology & engineering.  As a young girl of that age, I can remember wondering when I would ever use the algebra my teachers were drilling into my head...  turns out I use it every day in my career.  You need to know math to be a programmer.  So what this conference does is show girls how fun these subjects can be someday...  and exactly how they will use them if they choose a career in "________".

The event is broken up into multiple workshops and the girls can attend 3 workshops through-out the day.  Our workshop is based on teaching the girls entry-level html & css by creating their own photo gallery.  By the end of our session, each girl will have a link to their personal gallery and will be able to upload images well after the conference.  They can also share their gallery on facebook (which is what every pre-teen wants anyway, right?).

For a little show-and-tell, the fun women on my panel, along with my son, who happened to be with me at work one day, made the following galleries.  For a good laugh, please click on the images below so you can see each in it's entirety.  Note: if you are using IE, you will need to right click on the active-x warning and allow content.

Expand Your Horizons is this Saturday.  If you know a junior high school girl who needs a little inspiration in the math & science department, sign her up here.


Cassandra Pence is a Site Construction Specialist for LRS Web Solutions.  She majored in Computer Science at the University of Illinois & then went on to receive a Masters of Science in Animation at Depaul University in Chicago. 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What to Expect When Expecting... A Website

by Tom McAllister & Cassandra Pence

So the contract is signed and you're ready for a new website... Congrats! The design ideas are flowing in and you are dreaming of content and cool effects. But, where to begin?! This can be a completely overwhelming part of the website process. But fear not! Our team of experts is here to guide you and, most importantly, be your partner in this adventure. You are the expert in what you do and you hired us because we are the experts at what we do. Together, we will make a great team.

When your project begins, you will be contacted by your project manager and possibly a business analyst as well. They will begin by reviewing the project requirements and further defining the details and scope of the project. By doing this up front, we can confirm and document requirements and other details before the designers or developers begin work. This provides our development team with a road map to use when developing, which keeps them more efficient. As a result, your project will run more smoothly and there is less room for confusion later in the project.

In order to assist the project manager and business analyst, it is helpful if you prepare the following items for us:
  • Questionnaires - We have a few questionnaire documents that we ask you to complete in order to give us some idea of your preferences, your competition, your industry and more. Our development team will use your feedback from these as they come up with the best solution for you.
  • Site Map - Think of the site map as the structure of your website's content. While we can assist you with coming up with a site map strategy, it is important for you to review what you currently have and begin forming at least a general idea of how the new site map will be structured. When providing the site map, please also provide any content you have the correlates with the pages defined. We will review the site map with you before we begin because it must be finalized and approved before any design work can begin.
  • Content Review & Development - If you already have a website and we are doing the redesign, now is a great time to review your content and identify anything that might be changing. It is also a great time to determine which content you can do without. Ask yourself if the text is helpful and worthwhile. If not, we suggest trimming it out. If you are writing new content, the more you can have completed and finalized before our first meeting, the better! This helps us save time and save you money.
  • Logos & Files - We will need the high-resolution version of your logo(s) and any images or videos that will be integrated into your new site design. You can burn these onto a CD/DVD, or you can use our LRS file transfer feature on our website.
  • Other Requirements - If we are developing a custom application for your website, it can be helpful if you type up any business processes or details related to that application if there are specifics that we need to know. This will help us get a better understanding early in the project.
Whew! That is a lot, we know. At any time, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, we have specialists who can help you develop your site map, design your logo, or simply talk through the process with you. Just contact your project manager and we'll help get everything off to a great start!

Once all of the above is completed, we will invite you over to our place for some coffee and a chat. We like to call this the "kickoff meeting". This is an opportunity for stakeholders from your company or organization to meet your with your account representative, the project manager, designer, and the web and application developers all at one time. At the kickoff meeting, the project manager will lead a discussion about your new website and this leads to some great interaction ideas from all involved.

So, you may long does it take to build my website? We get this question a lot. It truly depends on the project because each one is unique. So, after our kickoff meeting, the project team will meet again to review the feedback and schedule their tasks. The project manager will compile this information and produce an official project timeline. When you get your copy of this timeline, be sure to review your calendar to confirm that the dates assigned to you for tasks (such as reviewing part of the site), are acceptable. As a client and decision maker, we usually give plenty of time for review throughout the project. But if you need more or less, please let us know.

We here at LRS Web Solutions really look forward to working with you.  It will be a great adventure that will end with not only a spiffy new website but also a tool that will help your business grow!


Tom McAllister is our Sales Manager at LRS Web Solutions.  He's an avid Illini Basketball fan and will probably always drive a Honda.

Cassandra Pence is a Site Construction Specialist for LRS Web Solutions.  She loves her job, but wishes she had a window in her cube.


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Lanae Smithers is a Sales Rep for Web Solutions.  She is expecting baby girl #2 and is due any minute!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Meet the Team | Cassandra Pence


I am one of four on the Site Construction team for the Web Solutions group.  I am looking forward to taking the lead on our new blog and welcome comments and feedback anytime!  If you have ideas or as a client, would like to participate, we are excited to hear from you.  Here we go...


Site Construction Specialist & office Blogger, that's me.

We have decided to run a series of posts that will help introduce our team.  I hope this will make our clients feel more comfortable and at ease when they come into Web Solutions for first meetings.  We are a fun team with lots of talent and conversation share...  and not just about websites!

To help my fellow office pals find courage, I am going first. Isn't this exciting...

Awkward photo:  approx age 6.  Softball was my life.  Could the hat be any bigger?

Something cool:  I went skydiving a few years ago.  It was indescribably amazing.

My sons are are snuggled into their p.j's as I get home from a full day at work!
Related Websites:

Cassandra has built all of the Memorial Health System websites
Last fall, Cassandra built the new website for Williamsville State Bank and Trust